All residents are expected to be either employed, volunteering full or part-time, or attending a vocational training or day support program during the work week. Some residents work on a hybrid schedule.
When the residents get home from work in the evening, they’re expected to help with chores. Household tasks include doing their laundry, tidying their personal and shared spaces, and preparing and cleaning up dinner. Meals are usually eaten family style with everyone present including direct support professionals.
Gabriel Homes staff strongly encourage residents to get involved with activities to help them learn and grow every day. By getting involved, residents build support systems made up of both disabled and non-disabled peers.
In doing so, residents have:
- Improved access to community resources
- Increased participation in community life
- Greater personal choice
- Stronger relationships
- Improved adaptive living skills
- Greater sense of purpose
Learn more about what a typical day is like for our residents.